Thursday, July 7, 2011

Tomorrow's the Day!!!

We leave tomorrow, 7/8/11!!! (Thank you mom and Jim for house/dog sitting!) We are almost packed, the plans are made, the route has been chosen... we are sooo close! The entire family is excited, but I'm sure a few hours in the minivan will deaden that excitement a little... but only a little... ;-) As those of you who have been reading my posts know, our first stop is Cleveland, OH. We plan on leaving at 6:00 AM so we can spend the afternoon at the Rock-N-Roll Hall of fame. It will take us about 5 hours to get there with a few stops to find a geocache or two on the way. Our friends, the Hobbs' (aka 3Snipe Hunters), will be joining us for the first few days. On Saturday we will all be attending an event called, The Return of the Geocaching Athalon. On Sunday we will continue our trek to Niagara Falls.

I hid my second geocache called "Treelogeo's Repository for Travel Bugs" or GC2ZFCR (for those of you who know what that code means). I plan on it being like a Travel Bug Hotel, but specifically for the Travel Bugs I place during the trip. Their first goal will be to make it back to this cache from where we place them.

I've also recently found my 500th cache. I'm not really sure which one it was since I had forgotten to log a few caches from a trip to Chicago (a problem soon remedied) but I think we have about 506 now. One of my goals was to have 500 caches before we left... goal one satisfied! ;-) My second goal of doing at least one cache per day for 100 days will be finished on Saturday! This goal was to satisfy a challenge cache. I haven't decided if I'm going to continue with 366 continuous days or not (leap year is next year) since I'm having to drive farther and farther to satisfy the one cache per day... but, with my goal of getting at least one cache per day on the trip, I have a bit of time to decide.

Well, I've got a lot still to do tonight, so I'll cut to the chase and tell you our final destination of the summer.

It's Itinerary Time:

Williamsburg, VA

We will be staying at Colonial Williamsburg for the final full week of our trip. We will visit Williamsburg (of course), Jamestown, a few battlefields near by, a water park, and possibly Busch Gardens. This final week will be a little more relaxing, I think, than the previous 3 but that is how I planned it... :-)

My plan from here is to blog about every day explaining what we did, the caches we found, etc. I'd love to hear from you all if you have any advise for the different locations we will be visiting...

I'll blog tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. This is Kyle. I hope you have an awesome well deserved trip. May a force be on you on you geochacheing. Hope you had a great fourth of July as well!!!! I has been an honor to have you as a teacher and to be in your own little world. I hope you and your family have a good safe journey and that you guys soak up a ton of fun and history. I hope you have a good Summer!!!!! It has been fun learning from you!!!!! You have helped me to be who I am today and when I go to Purdue i will have many tools brought with me thanks to you. You are a dedicated and selfmotivated teacher that loves to teach. Someday I can show you some physics problems at Purdue. Best Wishes!!!!1
